Vue actuelle : Fiche d'un logiciel
Obvek v1.53b
Catégorie :
Licence :
Editeur :
Prix :
24.95 USD
Taille :
1.5 MB
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Evaluation :
(0 Votes)
Plateformes :
Windows (Autres)
Obvek is a 3D graphic system that allows to solve a number of computer tasks by using the 3D environment. Among these tasks : * store and organize links to the favorite files ( photo, music, video, text and other) using the 3D objects * store and organize links to the internet pages using the 3D objects * run the programs * playback the music files * show pictures, including slideshow * edit text files * browse 3D internet sites ( obvek format ) * control computer functions * show time ( include international) * calculate using the 3D calculator * and more
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